My wonderfully talented 4-year-old male Labrador Retriever succumbed to Pythiosis in 2006. This emerging tropical disease is silently killing dogs around the U.S.
Most practicing vets have never seen this disease, so the information available on this site will give you more options in the diagnosis and treatment of your sick pet.
This infection is an emerging tropical disease, therefore, was not seen in the U.S. 10-20 years ago when most practicing veterinarians attended vet school. Unless your vet has personally experienced this disease, they will probably NOT RECOGNIZE its symptoms and most DO NOT KNOW about the simple blood test to detect its antibodies or the immunotherapy treatment.
Early intervention is CRITICAL with this infection. PAVLAB in Texas has the fastest and easiest blood test available for both Pythiosis and Langenidium which is closely related. The PavLab immunotherapy treatment continues to be the least invasive and most effective treatment option. Contact them at 512-964-3927 for information.
PYTHIOSIS ALERTS (States where Pythiosis has been diagnosed)
Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin and Virginia. Bermuda.
Join our group on Facebook to talk to others fighting this disease!
“Feel free to contact me anytime for additional information,” Tammy Bell